With this technology we can assess the BioEnergetics of organ systems throughout the body via acupuncture points in the hands and feet. Bioenergetic Medicine Practitioners use this technology to detect toxic residues, microbial overgrowths, mineral/vitamin status and much more. This technology gives us quantified data of your symptoms and assists Practitioners in building individualized protocols that are designed to get to the root cause of a client’s physical, mental, and energetic imbalances so that healing can truly take place. The BioScan allows us to test for food sensitivities and shows us how specific remedies affect your organ function. The BioScan takes the guessing out of the guidance. With this model, clients receive an immediate map and individualized guidance with less frustration and more individualization than the western medical system!
The nervous system is like a kaleidoscopic by design, it’s not just one system doing one thing. It's complex and connects all parts of our internal human system. The autonomic nervous system is a component of the peripheral nervous system that controls involuntary bodily functions, maintaining internal balance, and adapting the body's responses to changes in the environment. It operates largely unconsciously and regulates various physiological processes, allowing the body to function without conscious effort.
The autonomic nervous system consists of two main branches, the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. These two branches of the autonomic nervous system work together to maintain homeostasis, ensuring that the body can respond appropriately to different situations. The balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic activity is crucial for overall health. Imbalances or dysregulation in the autonomic nervous system can contribute to various health concerns, including cardiovascular problems, gastrointestinal disorders, and mental health issues. Understanding and managing the autonomic nervous system's function holds the key to untangling the fundamental cause of dysregulation and is essential for experiencing a happy and healthy life!
If you're looking for full access to Eryn for guidance personalized to you, this option is for you! Intuitive mind body soul coaching that gets to the root cause of trauma being stored in your body and holding you back from levelling up in your life. Using a combination of talk therapy and somatic therapy techniques to understand and release experiences stored in your body, learn how to regulate your nervous system to your environment, and take inspired action navigating the ups and downs of life. The body keeps score and is a map of every experience you’ve ever had!
Our retreats will allow you to experience what it feels like to be safe and loved unconditionally to access deeper parts of yourself. We offer an opportunity to relax, unwind stress, and recalibrate. The intention for this retreat is to quiet the noise within yourself and reconnect to the wisdom that’s always inside you.
During our retreats we offer a native American sweat lodge ceremony, cleanse and awaken medicine experience, bioresonance testing, and full access to our Excito Life Salmon Arm Clinic, which includes bio healing tools and services (sauna, cold plunge, biocharger, biomat + redlight, and braintap HRV). Our retreats are for people who have been working with Jason and Eryn and want to access deeper parts of themselves and have a desire to expand their consciousness and take inspired action on leveling up their life in all the ways. We offer a life changing opportunity to come together in community and experience the sweetness of life!